EU: one in five people at risk of poverty. The cry of alarm of Caritas Europe: “It is urgent to do more”
di Sarah NumicoThe picture drawn up by Eurostat is alarming: 95 million Europeans risk destitution against a backdrop of soaring commodity prices,…
EU Commission: annual report on implementation of Recovery and Resilience Facility published. Programme “well on track”
Trafficking: Dunja Mijatovic (Council of Europe), “Europe is not immune” to such phenomenon. War, pandemic, migration, the risk contexts
Ukraine: 3.9 million requests for temporary protection in Europe since war began
Saint Benedict. Patron Saint of Europe. Dom Polan (abate primate): “Messenger of Peace”
di Daniele RocchiToday, July 11, the universal Church commemorates St Benedict Abbot, Patron Saint of Europe. Over 1500 years later, the topical…
Migrant children. Save the Children: “Europe’s two-tier refugee response that takes in Ukrainians and turns back others”
di Patrizia CaiffaOn the occasion of World Refugee Day celebrated on June 20, Save the Children released its second “Hidden in plain…