Economy: Dombrovskis (EU Commission), “crisis has brought to light our interdependence, we need a coordinated response”
Economy: Gentiloni (EU Commission), “an unprecedented shock, supporting our workers and businesses”
EU Parliament: €2 trillion for European economy “recovery and transformation fund”. Focus on social dimension
COVID-19 Coronavirus: COMECE, “families caring for most vulnerable in society should receive particular attention”
COVID-19 Coronavirus: COMECE, “during most acute phases, hospitals were forced to give priority to younger patients over older ones”
Youth: EU Commission, €5 million to youth associations in Europe with “European Youth Together”
Fafce: supporting the position of the European Economic and Social Committee. Bassi, “investments in families, a priority for the future”
EU Parliament: plenary meeting about responses to Covid-19 and Recovery Plan. Debate on the Conference on the Future of Europe
Virus blow to the economy. EU Commission: violent shock, requiring joint response
di Gianni BorsaThe College of Commissioners released its economic forecasts, signalling GDP in free fall throughout Europe and envisioning “uneven recession.” Unemployment…