Economy: EU Forecast. Gentiloni, “crisis differs widely across the EU”. No help from exports
Economy: EU Forecast. Gentiloni, pandemic is a “global shock. Recovery delayed”
Europe under attack. “Card. Hollerich (COMECE): “May human fraternity be our response to the evil of terrorism”
di M. Chiara BiagioniInterview with Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg, President of the Commission of the Episcopates of the European Union (COMECE)…
Europe’s choice of solidarity and cohesion: “We’re all on the same boat”
di Gianni BorsaThe online summit of EU-27 leaders ended with broad consensus on actions to counter the spread of Covid-19. Reiterating a…
COVID-19 Coronavirus: Von der Leyen, “700 million vaccines in 2021”. 27 leaders to hold extraordinary summit tomorrow
EU: EESC, new presidency elected. Ms Barbucci (Italy) vice-president. “Recovery Fund, money needed now”
Europe under siege and the “path of fraternity”.
di Gianni BorsaA message from the Pope was received today in Brussels for the opening of the COMECE Assembly, due to have…