Pope Francis: Message for World Communications Day, “stories employed for exploitation and power have a short lifespan”
Pope Francis: Message for World Communications Day, “no human stories are insignificant or paltry”
Pope Francis: audience, “pray for peace, dialogue and solidarity among nations”
Pope Francis: audience, migrants “treated as numbers and as a threat by some governments”. “They are not allowed to land in ports”
Sunday of the Word of God: card. Ravasi, “It’s also the word that God expects us to address to Him.”
di Giovanna Pasqualin TraversaIt is not a catechism or a theological atelier; it’s not only the Word of God and it must not…
Pope Francis: audience, the Church, “though persecuted, misunderstood and chained, never tires” of being a “house open to all hearts in search”
Pope Francis: audience, “man’s journeys can become salvation and leaven working in history”
Priestly celibacy: Card. Sarah, “my attachment to Benedict XVI remains intact and my filial obedience to Pope Francis absolute”
Priestly celibacy: Bruni, “Holy Father’s position is known”
Priestly celibacy: Tornielli, “it has never been a dogma” but “a precious gift as all recent Pontiffs have affirmed”
Meeting for peace in the Mediterranean in Bari. Msgr. Raspanti (CEI Vice-President): “We wish to create a commonly shared model.”
di M.Michela NicolaisOnly one month to go before the meeting for peace in the Mediterranean in Bari, organized by the Italian Bishops’…