EU Parliament: 700,000 homeless persons in Europe; inclusion, work and healthcare policies needed
Migration and asylum: Sassoli (EU Parliament), “behind numbers there are people and stories. We need effective and humane policies”.
Europe’s choice of solidarity and cohesion: “We’re all on the same boat”
di Gianni BorsaThe online summit of EU-27 leaders ended with broad consensus on actions to counter the spread of Covid-19. Reiterating a…
COVID-19 Coronavirus: study by EU Parliament shows pandemic “disproportionately” impacts women
European Parliament: Sakharov Prize to democratic opposition in Belarus. Sassoli, “we are by your side”
European Parliament: EU survey and pandemic. Majority of citizens ask for larger common budget to overcome COVID-19 crisis
EU Parliament: “Femmes” exhibition, homeless women sheltered in Brussels. Sassoli, “poverty must not be hidden but fought”
Three years without Daphne. Mounting attacks on journalists in Europe
di Sarah NumicoInvestigative journalist Caruana Galizia was tragically murdered on October 16, 2017. She was investigating cases of malfeasance involving Maltese politicians.…
EU Parliament: voting on “climate law”. Guteland (rapporteur), if passed “it will be a time-defining moment”
EU Parliament: establishment of “Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize” for information. Duch, “free journalism for a strong democracy”
Von der Leyen: with Covid-19 Europe changes course. “We will pull through together”
di Gianni BorsaIn a lengthy speech at the European Parliament, the President of the Commission gave an overview of the situation in…