EU: External Action Service, “from Russian media, fake news on Ukrainian grain exports and against Europe”
Pope in Budapest. Msgr. Tóth (Hungarian bishops): “We are ready to welcome him, looking forward to listening to his words”
di M. Chiara BiagioniIn a few days, Pope Francis will make an apostolic journey to Hungary, Budapest, where he will stay from April…
“Eight per Thousand” taxpayer contribution (‘8xmille’). Bishop Baturi (CEI): “Not a concession but a free choice for the common good”
di Riccardo Benotti“Italy’s ‘Eight per Thousand’ taxpayer contribution (“8xmille”), “is not a way to finance the Catholic Church, it is a free…
Eurodiaconia: Helsinki, General Meeting in progress. “Horizons of hope. Building a Europe of trust and solidarity”
EU: new aid to Democratic Republic of Congo for nutrition, water and healthcare
Commission: reform of economic governance rules. “New framework will support stability and growth in the years ahead”
Commission: reform of economic governance rules. Von der Leyen, “promoting sustainable public debt and growth”
Nottingham: drop in vocations, churches increasingly empty. Fr Chipchase (parish priest): “I trust in God”
di Silvia Guzzetti“Throughout its over 2000-year-long history, the Church has faced far greater crises than the lack of vocations,” the parish priest…
Council of Europe: “setbacks in human rights”. Atrocities in Russia, pushback of migrants
Pope at audience: “Monks and nuns are the true reserve of the Church”
di M.Michela NicolaisIn today’s General Audience, Pope Francis praised the contribution of monks and nuns, “the beating heart of Gospel proclamation.” The…
The Churches in the Middle East. Pizzaballa (Patriarch): “No Church can resolve her problems alone. Let there be no more grievances”
di Daniele Rocchi“Rooted in hope”, the Symposium organised by ROACO – Riunione delle Opere di Aiuto alle Chiese Orientali (Assembly of Organizations…