War in Lebanon: some 100,000 displaced people – Syrian and Lebanese – flee to Syria
di Daniele RocchiDuring the war in Syria that broke out in 2011, more than 1.5 million Syrians fled to the Land of…
During the war in Syria that broke out in 2011, more than 1.5 million Syrians fled to the Land of…
La morte del leader Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, commentata dal patriarca maronita, card. Boutros Raï, ieri durante la messa a Dimane:…
The Maronite Patriarch Card. Boutros Raï commented on the death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah during Sunday Mass in the…
The Israel-Hezbollah conflict is escalating with increasing intensity. More than 80 Israeli air strikes hit southern and eastern Lebanon early…
Cresce il livello di scontro al confine tra Israele e Libano tra l’esercito israeliano e le milizie Hezbollah. Più di…
The war in Gaza seen through the eyes of Israel’s Hebrew-speaking Catholics, approximately one thousand believers distributed across seven communities.…
L’esperienza della guerra a Gaza vissuta dai cattolici di lingua ebraica in Israele, un migliaio di fedeli in tutto che…
On 10 September Jordanian citizens will cast their ballots to elect 130 members of parliament. It is a much-anticipated vote,…
Il prossimo 10 settembre la Giordania torna alle urne per eleggere i 130 membri del parlamento. Un appuntamento carico di…
Rientro in aula ieri per i circa 12mila alunni delle 18 scuole della Custodia di Terra Santa. La guerra scoppiata…
Yesterday was the first day of school for the 12,000 students enrolled in the 18 schools of the Custody of…
Dopo alcuni mesi in attesa del rilascio, da parte di Israele, del permesso umanitario, il 15 agosto scorso, Emergency è…