The project “Prendersi cura – Una famiglia per ogni comunità” (“Taking care – a family for every community”), developed jointly…
The President of the European Council, Antonio Costa (Portugal), convened an “informal retreat” of the 27 heads of state and…
Diocesan pilgrimages, prayer retreats, youth meetings and celebrations. The Christian community in Pakistan, a vital and vibrant minority group in…
The Holy Father concluded the weekly General Audience in Paul VI Hall, devoted to Saint Joseph, with a double appeal,…
Bishops, Clergy and Laity: the three Houses that make up the Church of England’s governing body, will be asked to…
War, misinformation, power concentrated in the hands of a few: these are among the risks of artificial intelligence applications discussed…
Fr Andrea Ciucci, Coordinating Secretary of the Pontifical Academy for Life, comments on the Holy See’s Note on Artificial Intelligence,…
War, Nazism, Communism, anti-Semitism… The Polish art critic and historian shared with SIR the tragic stories of her family and…
The President of the Jewish Community of Florence Enrico Fink, remarked: “The Jewish community is not shying away from the…
In his Message for the World Day of Social Communications, the Holy Father offers a roadmap for communicators in times…
The Jubilee of the World of Communication – the first event of the Holy Year, scheduled for 24-26 January –…
The War Childhood Museum in Sarajevo houses objects belonging to children who lived through the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina…