(from Strasbourg) A firm speech, very harsh about the Russian regime, all focussed on mentioning respect for democracy and human rights in Russia and in Europe and on denouncing breaches of human rights in her country. A speech made by Daria Navalnaja, a 20-year-old girl and a student, who has taken it upon herself to tour the world to uphold the cause of the freedom of her father, Alexey Navalny, and of “hundreds of activists, unfairly held in Moscow’s prisons”. In Strasbourg, today, Daria received the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, awarded to her father by the EU Parliament. “When I wrote my father and asked him: what you would like me to say exactly to the European Parliament, he answered: ‘Tell them no one can dare equate Russia to Putin’s regime. Russia is a part of Europe and we work hard to join it. But we also want Europe to work hard for itself. We work hard for the Europe of ideas, the celebration of human rights, democracy and integrity. And we do not want the Europe of chancellors and ministers who dream of getting a place in the boards of Putin’s state companies or sailing on an oligarch’s yacht’”.
Daria Navalnaja added: “On this stage, today, as I receive this high honour for my father, I thank you and, through you all, I welcome the Europe of ideas and principles. The European Union is an incredible miracle created by nations, whose entire story has been an endless war with each other. Despite all the difficulties and all the problems the EU has and will have to face, I believe in its future and I believe one day my country will be part of it”.