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Fafce: online debate on the demographic challenges that await Europe

After the summer break, the “Fafce dialogues” (Fafce is the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe) have been resumed. As to the demographic challenges in the EU, a matter that the Federation cares a lot about, the Slovenian Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Janez Cigler Kralj, will be giving a lecture in one of those webinars on September 21st. The conference will be opened by a speech of Vincenzo Bassi, President of Fafce. Time will be left at the end for talking with the Minister. The problem of demographic challenges is also one of the priorities in the programme of the six-month Slovenian presidency of the EU. For months, Fafce has been asking for investments to be made in families, “the key to the future of Europe”, and for demography and family policies to be included in the national recovery plans (click here to register).

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