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Austria: Mr Knapp (Caritas), “hunger used as weapon of war in Sudanese civil war”

Almost one in ten people on earth – about 733 million in total – suffer from hunger. Today the situation is particularly dramatic in Sudan, as Caritas Austria pointed out in a statement issued today to mark World Food Day on 16 October. Indeed, almost 26 million people – more than half of the Sudanese population – are starving in what is currently the world’s largest food crisis. Andreas Knapp, Caritas foreign aid manager, cited as a reason the “brutal civil war in Sudan” where “hunger was used as a weapon of war”. Also, the consequences of the climate crisis may cause up to two million people to die of hunger and related diseases by the end of the year. “Hunger is not fate!”, Mr Knapp stressed. 30% of the world’s population do not have constant access to food. The representative of Caritas called this situation a “scandal” and said: “If children are starving, we, as a global community, have failed”. Mr Knapp also appealed to the incoming Austrian government. Caritas reiterated its long-standing demand that “0.7% of its gross national income, as agreed upon at the international level, be finally made available for development cooperation and humanitarian aid”. In light of the situation in Sudan, Caritas said “the international community must act now, otherwise an entire generation risks starving to death

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