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United Kingdom: Catholic bishops against assisted dying bill. Mgr. Sherrington, “life is precious until the last breath”

A call to the faithful to contact their MPs and ask them to vote against a new law that would legalise assisted dying comes from the Catholic bishops of England and Wales. The process for the law prepared by the Labour MP Leadbeater, which, if passed, will give mentally-competent terminally-ill adults the right to put an end to their life, will actually begin on Wednesday 16th October at the House of Commons. There is a real possibility that the British Parliament will say yes this time, because the Prime Minister Keir Starmer has left the MPs free to vote according to their conscience and has personally taken position in support of the legislation, which might also be passed because it is supported by some Conservative MPs. Beforehand, in 2015, the last time Westminster had discussed such topic, the Prime Minister, who was just an MP back then, had voted for assisted dying. The new legislation will not probably end its process until December and the details are not clear yet, but what is certain is that it will grant terminally-ill people the “right” to assisted suicide that in the United Kingdom right now is punished with up to fourteen years’ imprisonment.
“The Catholic Church assists those who suffer and are close to the end of their life with love and hope, but it also reminds them that their life is precious until the last breath”, mgr. John Sherrington, bishop in charge of the prolife division of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, stated. “The legalisation of assisted dying undermines the holiness and dignity of human life. Let’s pray for all those who are close to the end of their life, that they may receive the care and assistance they need to live their last days with dignity. Let’s also pray for our politicians and for our Country, that wisdom and compassion may guide their decisions. I call on all Catholics to learn more about the difficult problems associated with the legalisation of assisted dying”.

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