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Pope Francis in Luxembourg: Card. Hollerich, “I hope you bring hope with you”. Two issues: Caritas situation and costs

During his visit to Luxembourg, the Pope will leave the Cathedral at 5:30 pm, because his plane will leave for Belgium at 6:15 pm. Security measures “on a scale rarely seen before in the Grand Duchy” are in place, according to the website of the city, with concrete barriers and fences, surveillance drones, and police officers lent by Belgium. “It is an honour that the Pope comes to us, because Luxembourg is a small Church. There have been invitations from other European countries to which he has not responded”, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich said at a press conference on Tuesday. “Above all, I hope that he brings hope with him”, the Cardinal added. There is a climate of expectation in the small country which welcomes a Pontiff again after the last papal visit 39 years ago. While Catholics have dedicated these days to a novena “to prepare hearts for Pope Francis’ visit”, the public debate has been haunted by requests made by Luxembourg’s humanist and atheist associations to the Government to provide details on who will pay the bill for the papal visit: since it was a personal invitation from the Grand Duke, it should be paid entirely by the royal family. Also making headlines is the Caritas scandal with the theft of €61 million from the charity’s accounts “in suspected fraud” discovered in July. Today’s news is that two banks are now under investigation for handling the transactions that transferred the money to Spain.

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