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Germany: Brandenburg election. Mgr. Koch (Berlin), “to democratic parties, have the strength, courage and patience to work together”

About to leave for Fulda to take part in the plenary meeting of the Bishops’ Conference of Germany, which is starting today, the Archbishop of Berlin, mgr. Heiner Koch, analysed the election in the Land of Brandenburg that was held yesterday. According to mgr. Koch, drought, floods, lack of skilled labour, emigration and social inclusion, radicalisation of political fights are challenges which Germany has to take on quickly: after the Brandenburg election, according to the Archbishop of Berlin, there is no doubt that “some parties respond to such changes with simplistic if not downright inhuman answers, thus fuelling fear”. “Hatred and exclusion are not solutions”. The Archbishop added that the future of Brandenburg can only be shaped through mutual dialogue. He asked to have open eyes and brave hearts: “You could choose among different parties, but every day we can choose through our words and our actions: the way we treat each other shapes the world we will live in in the future”. Mgr. Koch thanked all those who took part in the election campaign and worked for a democratic, communal Brandenburg, “it doesn’t matter whether in the parties, in the parish churches or in your neighbourhoods”. The Archbishop congratulated the elected ones and wished “those who are involved in democratic parties to have lots of strength, courage and patience to work together and negotiate a good route for Brandenburg”.

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