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Erasmus+: data and numbers of an experience that involved over 15 million people

The number of people in Europe who have benefited from the Erasmus+ programme continues to grow: the milestone of 15 million participants has been reached since 1987. This was announced by the European Commission today, which also launched a new feature of the programme facilitating access to information through a “data storytelling initiative”. This is an opportunity open to all in that everyone can consult the database of the programme in an interactive way to obtain statistics on participating organizations, sectors, projects covering the period 2014-2024, and mobility flows between countries. The data shows, for example, that over these ten years, 58.1% of participants were women, and that the record year for mobility was 2022, with almost 1.3 million people on the move thanks to 4,146 cooperation projects related to the programme. A new podcast series on the Erasmus+ programme will soon be launched on the website

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