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COMECE: “ethical indefensibility of an EU fundamental right to abortion”. Respecting the human being in every stage of life

Mons. Anton Jamnik, presidente della Commissione etica della Comece (Foto Conferenza episcopale Slovenia)

In the context of the public debate on including a supposed right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) has today published the  statement  “The Ethical Indefensibility of an EU Fundamental Right to Abortion”, elaborated by its Commission on Ethics. The document argues that the respect for the inalienable dignity of every human being in every stage of life – especially in situations of complete vulnerability – is a “fundamental principle in our democratic societies”. Mgr Anton Jamnik, President of the COMECE Commission on Ethics, said “EU Member States have very different constitutional traditions with regard to the legal regulation of abortion, therefore, constituting a fundamental right to abortion would go against the general principles of the Union law”. The document also reiterates that “there is no recognised right to abortion in European or International law”.
At the beginning of 2022, COMECE expressed its deep concern over President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal of including a supposed right to abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. In July 2022, reacting to a resolution of the European Parliament, COMECE released a statement encouraging political leaders “to work for more unity among Europeans, not to create higher ideological barriers and polarization”.

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