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World Youth Day: 8,260 young people and 17 bishops from Germany. An app for German participants

In the run-up to the World Youth Day in Lisbon, the German Organizing Committee introduces itself. Mgr Johannes Wübbe, president of the Youth Commission of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK), said: “I look forward to the upcoming World Youth Day in Portugal, which will be attended by 8,260 pilgrims and 17 Bishops from Germany. In the past week, I have met with young people and young adults from our dioceses who will be participating in the “Days in the Dioceses” which will be held from 26 to 31 July in different Portuguese locations (Editor’s Note: from there, the youths from all over the world will then travel to Lisbon). Together, we have entered the WYD mood”. And he added: “many youths are very looking forward to the meetings, to getting to know new cultures and meeting with the Holy Father. Stefan Ottersbach, Federal President of the Association of German Catholic Youth (BDKJ), highlighted that: “World Youth Day offers the opportunity to pray, sing and discuss moving themes together”, and “many members of youth associations look forward to WYD because in meeting other young people and in the celebrations, they find the strength to make the world a better place. Especially in these times of wars, growing global injustices and worsening climate crises, we have to listen to young people and take their concerns to the world of politics and to the Church”. German pilgrims travelling to Lisbon will have a Pilgrim Centre set up for them in the Goethe Institute. Sylvia Gawlik, responsible for WYD for the Youth Ministry Department of the DBK, revealed that, for the first time, young German pilgrims will benefit from a dedicated app.

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